Kapil Dev, the legendary captain who led India to victory in the 1983 World Cup, has weighed in on the current uncertainty surrounding the ICC Champions Trophy venue. Scheduled to be held next February, the tournament's location is up in the air due to the ongoing political tensions between India and Pakistan. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has made it clear to the International Cricket Council (ICC) that Team India will not be sent to Pakistan for the Champions Trophy. In response, the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has begun renovations on their stadiums in preparation to host the tournament. However, Kapil Dev has proposed a hybrid model for the tournament which would allow for a more neutral playing field. The BCCI is urging the ICC to consider this alternative in order to ensure a fair and safe competition for all teams involved.
The same situation happened last year when India refused to travel to Pakistan for the Asia Cup as the ACC had to adopt the hybrid model, with the majority of matches being played in Sri Lanka, including the final.
Former India captain and legendary all-rounder Kapil emphasised the role of the government in such decisions.
"It's the government's responsibility. People like us should not give opinions, our opinions don't matter. Kapil Dev can't be bigger than anyone else," said Kapil Dev.
PCB has already submitted a draft schedule for the mega ICC event, which is scheduled to begin on February 19 and conclude on March 9. Lahore, Karachi, and Rawalpindi have been earmarked as the venues.
Meanwhile, the Pakistan cricket fraternity has reacted strongly to India's decision and said that if the ICC decides to adopt the hybrid model or shift the tournament out of their country then Mohammad Rizwan and Co should not participate in the tournament.
ICC begins Trophy Tour for Champions Trophy in Pakistan, POK cities droppedEarlier, the International Cricket Council (ICC) on Saturday announced a global Trophy Tour ahead of the Men's Champions Trophy 2025, which is set to be hosted by Pakistan.
The announcement came after the ICC cancelled the trophy tour in the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir cities
Notably, the BCCI has strongly objected to the Pakistan Cricket Board's (PCB) plan to hold the Champions Trophy tour in disputed areas of Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK), specifically Skardu, Hunza, and Muzaffarabad.
Following the Trophy Tour in Pakistan, it will tour Afghanistan (November 26-28), followed by Bangladesh (December 10-13), South Africa (December 15-22), Australia (December 25-January 5), New Zealand (January 6-11), England (January 12-14) and India (January 15-26).
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