New Delhi: Sunil Gavaskar, a legendary player of Team India, has an interesting love story to tell. The former Team India captain's younger sister captured the heart of none other than Gundappa Viswanath, another iconic cricketer. The love at first sight led to a whirlwind romance and the two tied the knot shortly after. Let's delve into the fascinating story of how this unexpected love story bloomed.
Actually, in the year 1971, the Indian team was returning from West Indies. Gavaskar and Gundappa were in the same team. When the team came to India, Gavaskar took Gundappa to his home. When Gundappa went there, he fell in love with Gavaskar’s younger sister. Gavaskar’s younger sister’s name is Kavita. Kavita also liked Gundappa. After which both of them got married after a few years.
Sunil Gavaskar had said in an interview about Gundappa that he is a dangerous person. Once I made the mistake of calling him at home and the result was the same. Let us tell you that in March 1978, Gavaskar’s sister Kavita married Gundappa. Gundappa was also given the Arjuna Award in 1977-78.
Former Indian captain Gundappa Viswanath has participated in 91 Tests for India. During this period he has scored 6080 runs. He has scored a total of 14 centuries and 35 half-centuries. Talking about his best score, it was 222 runs. Whereas, if we talk about ODI, he scored 439 runs in 25 ODIs with the help of 2 half-centuries. In first-class cricket, he has scored more than 17000 runs with the help of 44 centuries.